The current situation.
In accordance with French regulations, The Live Thriller and The Live Holdup will be open again from 09/06/2021. We have put in place the strengthened health protocol detailed below to ensure maximum safety.
1. Protective gear
Hydroalcoholic gel is distributed at the beginning and at the end of the experience. New masks are also available if necessary.
2. Disinfection
Game areas, and especially handled equipement, are disinfected after every group. You can thereby use flashlights, walkie-talkies, phones and game devices safely.
3. Privatized groups
When you book for The Live Thriller or The Live Holdup, you privatize your session. You won’t see anybody but your friends and the actors.
4. Actors training
Actors follow the health protocol carefully. They maintain a distance, disinfect their hands and wear clean masks at every moment. In fact, they don’t want to catch the virus either!
If you have any further question, please contact us.